Club Roles

Kathy Lawson
COVID-19 Officer

CETC have appointed 2 specific COVID-19 Officers to be the main contacts on everything related to COVID-19, including overseeing public Health & Safety measures, documenting Risk Assessments & keeping accurate records of Test & Protect.
(SportScotland COVID Officer Training completed September 2020)


Lauren Jeffrey
COVID-19 Officer

CETC have appointed 2 specific COVID-19 Officers to be the main contacts on everything related to COVID-19, including overseeing public Health & Safety measures, documenting Risk Assessments & keeping accurate records of Test & Protect.
(SportScotland COVID Officer Training completed September 2020)


Janis Harvey
Return to Sport Co-Ordinator

CETC have appointed 2 Return to Sports Co-Ordinators to provide clear communication to members, & current information on guidelines & protocols provided by the relevant authorities, including SG/BG & the Scottish Government.
(SportScotland COVID Officer Training completed September 2020)

Kayleigh Kerr
Return to Sport Co-Ordinator

CETC have appointed 2 Return to Sports Co-Ordinators to provide clear communication to members, & current information on guidelines & protocols provided by the relevant authorities, including SG/BG & the Scottish Government.
(SportScotland COVID Officer Training completed September 2020)

Lauren Jeffrey, Kayleigh Kerr & Janis Harvey
Public Facebook Administrators

Works as part of the Facebook Administration Team to:

  • Keep the CETC Facebook page up to date, with news, photos and video footage from Club events
  • Moderate site content and control security settings

Kirsty Beaton
BG Proficiency Awards Coordinator
and League Competition Manager


Implements the BG Proficiency Awards Scheme at CETC, distributing all Awards information to Club members.

Kirsty Beaton
Bonus Ball Organiser


The Bonus Ball Organiser is a member of the Fundraising Group and is responsible for running the weekly fundraiser.